Saturday, June 1, 2019

Story In a Jar: Chores

Q: Was there a chore you really hated doing as a child?

A: Do kids ever like chores? I suppose perhaps once in a while. Morgan enjoys organizing things. Aiden likes doing projects with Jeremy. But the day in, day out home maintenance jobs? Not so much! 

I have a default toward lazy, so even doing chores as a grown up isn't my most favorite thing. Some things I procrastinate until they can't be ignored. One of those is dusting.

It seemed like I was always in charge of dusting when I was a kid, and because my mom was religious about getting it done every week it was hard to really see much difference between the before and after. The worst part about it, though, was moving all the knickknacks, dusting each one, and then putting them back. So, so tedious.

When I stayed home with my kids, the dusting got done more regularly than it does these days. I try to not completely neglect it, and I truly do appreciate a clean and tidy home, but it's usually near the bottom of the ever-growing to do list.


  1. I didn't realize that I put the burden of dusting on you as a kid. So sorry! But I must admit, it is not my favorite chore either.

    1. I bet it made me a better human (with a not-perfectly-dusted house)! And I've been making Morgan weed all week, so I'm passing it along. I'm sure someday I'll hear about it.
