Monday, April 8, 2013

Don't try the dinner special

I'm nursing a bit of a cold, and apparently it has affected my ears. I was fixing dinner when Aiden asked, "Did you season the food?"

"Yep," I said.

Aiden looked puzzled and somewhat disgusted. Then he asked again, "Did you season it?"

Not sure why he felt the need to ask twice, I responded, "Of course! I always season the food."

At this point Jeremy felt compelled to intervene.

"He asked if you sneezed in the food."

Well, now. That's one seasoning I'd rather avoid.   

Potty talk

I re-enter the blogging world with a little bathroom humor. I took the kids fishing during spring break last week. We decided to try out a community pond we'd never visited before. On the way, Morgan inevitably felt nature's call. We were getting close, so I made her hold it. We arrived at the pond, and I hurried her out to the restroom. She spied the nice, modern facility and said, "Oh, good. I'm glad it's not a portapoopy."